IP bans will be reconsidered on a case-by-case basis if you were running a bot and did not understand the consequences, but typically not for spamming, hacking, or other abuse. If you are responsible for one of the above issues. Having an excessive number of banned accounts in a very short timeframe.Running a web bot/spider that downloaded a very large number of pages - more than could possibly justified as "personal use".Automated spam (advertising) or intrustion attempts (hacking).Set j_zoomaim_off "weapalt seta j_forward -0.008 seta j_side 0.008 seta j_pitch 0.005 seta j_yaw -0.Your current IP address has been blocked due to bad behavior, which generally means one of the following: Ideally, I would like to figure out some sort of hold function like: set j_zoomaim_on "weapalt seta j_forward 0.0 seta j_side 0.0 seta j_pitch 0.001 seta j_yaw -0.001 bind PAD0_DPAD_UP zoomin bind PAD0_DPAD_DOWN zoomout echo ^2Weapon Aim Mode On^7" Set j_zoomaim_off "weapalt seta j_forward -0.008 seta j_side 0.008 seta j_pitch 0.005 seta j_yaw -0.008 bind PAD0_DPAD_UP itemnext bind PAD0_DPAD_DOWN notebook set toggle_weapzoom vstr j_zoomaim_on echo ^2Weapon Aim Mode Off^7"īind PAD0_LEFTTRIGGER "vstr toggle_weapzoom"

Here's what I have: set j_zoomaim_on "weapalt seta j_forward 0.0 seta j_side 0.0 seta j_pitch 0.001 seta j_yaw -0.001 bind PAD0_DPAD_UP zoomin bind PAD0_DPAD_DOWN zoomout set toggle_weapzoom vstr j_zoomaim_off echo ^2Weapon Aim Mode On^7"

Is there any way in vanilla iortcw to issue one command on key-press and another on key-depress? I think I must be spoiled by Quake's +/- aliasing.