Destroyers of the Drakwald (Ungor Spearmen Herd - Shields). Regiments of Renown were added for free in the Foundation Update.
The Konigstein Stalkers (Skeleton Warriors). The Feasters in the Dusk (Crypt Ghouls). Verek's Reavers (Black Knights - Lances & Barding). The Arachnarok Queen (Arachnarok Spider). Mogrubb's Mangy Marauders (Goblin Wolf Archers). Durkit's Squigs (Night Goblin Squig Hoppers). Deff Creepers (Forest Goblin Spider Rider Archers). Da Eight Peak Loonies (Night Goblin - Fanatics). Broken Tusks Mob (Orc Boar Boy Big 'Uns). Warriors of Dragonfire Pass (Dwarf Warriors). Ulthar's Raiders (Rangers - Great Weapons). The Grumbling Guard (Longbeards - Great Weapons). Norgrimlings Ironbreakers (Ironbreakers). Ekrund Miners (Miners - Blasting Charges). Regiments of Renown added with The King and the Warlord DLC: Stirland's Revenge (Free Company Militia). The Royal Altdorf Gryphites (Demigryph Knights). Regiments of Renown added with The Grim and the Grave DLC. Legions of Legend are similar to RoR for Tomb Kings. The Regiments of Renown recruitment system and interface is open to modding, and it can be used for more than just adding other famous units.īlessed Spawnings are similar to Regiments of Renown for the Lizardmen. Almost all regiments get a leadership, melee attack, melee defence, and reload speed increase (if they have a ranged attack) over their standard counterparts because they are automatically Rank 9 Experience and rank. The number varies according to the unit – most just have one, though a small number have two, three or even four. The character level required to unlock a particular regiment is marked on its card on the Regiments of Renown panel.Įach regiment also gets one or more special abilities that its standard counterpart does not.
They are recruited instantly into the selected army and do not require time to train.Regiments can be recruited into a selected army from the Regiments of Renown panel. Regiments of Renown have stats greatly improved over those of their standard counterparts and a particular Regiment of Renown may only be recruited once, unless it is destroyed in combat. Regiments of Renown become available to the player’s faction when a Lord reaches a certain character level. CA also released some stats and facts about the company, including that they nearly moved to Singapore in their early days, that they used to make rugby, cricket and Australian Rules football games, and that they have over 500 staff spread between their UK and Sofia studios, working on eight major projects, four of which are unannounced.Regiments of Renown or RoR are elite versions of standard units, with improved combat performance and abilities.